Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hi guys! It’s Keanu, This is my newest post here! 

So, what I’m going to talk here is all about “THE SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL”, it’s all about films about (of course) related to Science! It’s the first time (I think), I ever heard of it. It was on November 17,2015 and it was held in the Media Resource Center/AVR in our school during our Science time. Afterwards, we entered the room and we just squatted there, also accompanying us is our teachers, and schoolmates in the lower level.

There were 2 films that were shown, But, I’m gonna talk first is the first film that was shown, The title is "THE PATH OF FOOD" and it’s all about the GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT (just simply the stomach and the intestines) and the “INTERESTING” VIDEO CAPSULE. The film was set in Munich, Germany. And it is starred by a reporter named Cornel Bunz from the Galileo Team (which is kind of a hottie and he is so handsome) Like, I went a little loco of him! So much for that, the video capsule was made by Given Imaging Ltd., an Israel company of medical technology. I don’t really know much of them but they made a really interesting capsule though. By the way, the audio was in Tagalog but the original audio was I think in German.

The video capsule’s characteristics are it’s like a capsule-like submarine which travels all the way down in your stomach, it’s also expensive, a high-tech medical track and sends a live footage inside on your body by swallowing it. (To be honest, the reporter really swallows it and he has a device that shows the capsule inside his body.)

The important things I have learned from the film are that the small intestine is the busiest in the digestive system and there is like a “doorman” in the stomach which the food being mixed and broke down and it sends out to the small intestine by small portions.

Also, I have seen such “weird people” which they have a full cover on their body and also the face, they’re doing the things that is the doing of the digestive system when you’re eating food. The food that they used is the hamburger, which the audience craved for it as they watch the film but as for me, no.

Lastly, they have this “toilet talk” like how does the feces goes out fast from the anus. But I don’t really want to talk about that much more. As I can review the movie, it’s comical sometimes and it’s really informative.

If you want to watch again the film, You can click the link below~!

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