Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Science Film Festival, What is it about?

Hmmmm. It got me on thinking. So I research all about it and it says,

"The Science Film Festival, initiated by the Goethe-Institut Thailand in 2005, is a celebration of science communication and enjoys a unique position in Southeast Asia, North Africa and the Middle East: In cooperation with local partners it promote science literacy and facilitates awareness of contemporary scientific, technological and environmental issues through the medium of film and television content. It presents films that explain scientific issues accessibly and entertainingly to a broad audience. The festival selection demonstrates that science can be communicated in an educational, as well as entertaining manner through audio-visual media. The festival has grown considerably, meanwhile becoming the largest event of its kind worldwide in terms of audience reach with 580 000 visitors in 13 countries in 2014."

Is that so? By the way, It's also organized here in the Philippines, So our country is involved in this festival! OMG.

Also they also have a theme in each year, So for this year, their theme is all about "International Year of Light" or just simply LIGHT. Hmmmm...

"Why?", I said to myself, As I can see they have a goal. And their goal is they invite audiences or students like us to discover the different roles of light and its applications play in our everyday lives and what it reveals about the nature of the universe.


Friday, November 20, 2015


So now, I'm gonna talk about the 2nd film and it's entitled THE NORTHERN LIGHTS : A Magic Experience, Simply the aurora borealis.

What is aurora borealis you say?

- Well it is a natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen in the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) regions. Auroras are produced when the magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed by the solar wind that the trajectories of charged particles in both solar wind and magnetosphere plasma, mainly in the form of electrons and protons, precipitate them into the upper atmosphere (thermosphere/exosphere), where their energy is lost. The resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emits light of varying color and complexity.

- They are mostly on green lights.

      source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora

The film mainly talks about the aurora borealis in North Norway, because I think there lots of "lights" being shown there.

Next, they talk about many theories of the aurora such as the arctic fox dashed across the tundra swiping snow up into the sky, and the swans like each time they flapped their wings they produce those kind of lights. They also show paintings and poems about the aurora.

As I have seen the film, It really focuses from the Norwegian people, and because of this, They made many observatories that the Norwegians can watch the beautiful lights.

How auroras are made, For me these are because of nuclear reactions of the sun that produces magnetic rings all the way to Earth causing these lights, but I really don't know the exact answer.

One last thing, I have seen of the film is, the lights are best pictured in digital single-lens reflex camera or popularly known as the DSLR cam with tripod (suggested).

My review: The film was great but the audience were quite bored on the film (compared to the first film) and also my seatmate got sleepy but I hope they learned something out of it. The pictures were so cool and colorful too.

So, the two films is done! And we have a great time viewing those films, Lastly, We have picture taking (Like 2 shots) with my classmates and some other schoolmates that are watching also with us! I do not really have a copy of the pics that are taken by a guy who is I think an volunteer (I guess!) of the film fest, I wish I have.

I will surely wait for a another Science Film Fest, if possible!

If you wanna watch the video of the "Northern Lights" film, You can click the link below!




Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hi guys! It’s Keanu, This is my newest post here! 

So, what I’m going to talk here is all about “THE SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL”, it’s all about films about (of course) related to Science! It’s the first time (I think), I ever heard of it. It was on November 17,2015 and it was held in the Media Resource Center/AVR in our school during our Science time. Afterwards, we entered the room and we just squatted there, also accompanying us is our teachers, and schoolmates in the lower level.

There were 2 films that were shown, But, I’m gonna talk first is the first film that was shown, The title is "THE PATH OF FOOD" and it’s all about the GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT (just simply the stomach and the intestines) and the “INTERESTING” VIDEO CAPSULE. The film was set in Munich, Germany. And it is starred by a reporter named Cornel Bunz from the Galileo Team (which is kind of a hottie and he is so handsome) Like, I went a little loco of him! So much for that, the video capsule was made by Given Imaging Ltd., an Israel company of medical technology. I don’t really know much of them but they made a really interesting capsule though. By the way, the audio was in Tagalog but the original audio was I think in German.

The video capsule’s characteristics are it’s like a capsule-like submarine which travels all the way down in your stomach, it’s also expensive, a high-tech medical track and sends a live footage inside on your body by swallowing it. (To be honest, the reporter really swallows it and he has a device that shows the capsule inside his body.)

The important things I have learned from the film are that the small intestine is the busiest in the digestive system and there is like a “doorman” in the stomach which the food being mixed and broke down and it sends out to the small intestine by small portions.

Also, I have seen such “weird people” which they have a full cover on their body and also the face, they’re doing the things that is the doing of the digestive system when you’re eating food. The food that they used is the hamburger, which the audience craved for it as they watch the film but as for me, no.

Lastly, they have this “toilet talk” like how does the feces goes out fast from the anus. But I don’t really want to talk about that much more. As I can review the movie, it’s comical sometimes and it’s really informative.

If you want to watch again the film, You can click the link below~!