Thursday, January 28, 2016


Hey guys, I'm back again and this time it's all about the CLIMATES AND BIOMES OF THE WORLD! But first let me tell you what is Climate and afterwards Biome!

- So Climate refers to the atmospheric conditions over long periods of time. In general, there are 3 basic climate groups, Each group is influenced by the interacting air masses, which are parcels of air having similar temperature, pressure and vapor content.

- A biome refers to defined areas on Earth's surface with similar climatic conditions. A particular biome is often referred to an ecosystem and has plants, animals, and soil organisms that aren't usually found in other biomes.

So let's go now to the 3 basic climate groups, First one I'm gonna mention is the Group 1 Climate : Low-Altitude Climate, So, places near the equator belong to this group, which are dominated by the equatorial air masses.

Wet-Dry Tropical Climates (Savanna)

- In this climate, wet and dry seasons are evident due to the seasonal change in the air masses that dominate the area in certain times of the year. Savannas can be found in places in Southern Africa.

2nd group is called the Midlatitude Climate, This is characterized by conflicting tropical and polar air masses. 

Chapparal Biome or the (Mediterranean Climate)

- Fires occur frequently in Mediterranean climate zones.
- Chapparals can be found in places such as Cape Town of South Africa and the coast of Western and Southern Australia.

Last group I'm gonna show here is the High-Latitude Climate, In these places, polar and arctic air masses (like cold air) control the atmospheric conditions. 


- They are characterized by long and severe winter seasons, which create frozen ground known as permafrost. 
The tundra climate/biome is found along arctic coastal areas.
- Example of places with tundra climate is the Greenland coast, which is found in the northern hemisphere.

Links about my personal readings on the topic:

  ~This one's archived but it's still working!~

VIDEOS to make you more informed!



My reflections : 

What I find easy to understand here is the Group 2 or Midlatitude Climates, They're interesting because it is characterized by conflicting tropical and polar air masses so like it's alternating between the two, and not like the other groups which has only one type of air masses and all the biomes in this group experience EXTREME dryness and coldness within a season so I find it cool. 
I have discovered that we have groups in every climates we have and we or here in the Philippines, We are in Group 1 because we are near the Equator and we only have rainy and dry season in us.
I would like to expound more the Group 3 which is the High-Latitude Climate because I want to research more about it and I haven't experienced being in that state of the climate.

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